The E-LAB is an Electronics workspace from the Department of Industrial Design, located in the Atlas building (ATL 2.201) on the TU/e campus.
The E-lab is meant for education; it facilitates students who want to build electronic circuits, and provides the first level of electronics support for bachelor students. The E-lab is also used for some courses and workshops on electronics. The E-lab has 14 working places, which can be used by Industrial Design students without prior reservation. Each working place is equipped with measuring equipment like an oscilloscope, function generator, 2 power supplies, multi-meter, and a soldering iron with fume extraction.
Under the name of E-atelier, student assistants from the Department of Electrical Engineering, assist ID students from within the E-lab. They can help answer most questions related to electronics and (micro-controller) programming.
You can also get online support via the MS Teams channel ID Tech Community.
Study association Lucid is selling electronics components to students from within the E-lab, under the name of E-lucid. E-Lucid is supported by the ID department by means of providing budget for student assistants and sponsored by component supplier RS-components. For buying the components it’s necessary to have a Lucid RFID ‘token’. You will get one when you become a member of Lucid. With this you can buy nearly all products sold by RS-components with 15% discount at E-Lucid. It is possible to pay by card but only above a minimum amount.
Opening Hours:
- The E-lab is opened on weekdays 9:00 – 17:00.
- The service from the E-atelier by student assistants is available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 13:00 until 17:00, Wednesday 9:00 until 17:00.
- The E-lucid shop is opened on weekdays from 13:00 until 15:00.
- During holidays different opening hours may be announced.
Contact person for the E-lab is Geert van den Boomen (/ lab ATL 2.120)